A Malay photographer we met at the very beginning of our trip aroused our curiosity about visiting Kanchanabury. The place is well known for its dreadful historical events during the WWII when the Japanese occupied the territory and forced war prisoners (POWs) and Asian labourers to work, under inhumane conditions, in the construction of the railway between Thailand and Burma, literally to their death. Hence today, the rail track is called the Death Railway.
Probably the “the bridge over the river Kwai” is the most recognizable element of this sad episode and, as expected, the place is packed with tourist.
The second, more scenic in our opinion and less crowded, distinctive product of Japanese engineering is the Wang Po Viaduct. A state of the art that stands still until today.
There is also Death Railway museum telling the brutal story of POWs and next to it an absolutely beautiful and peaceful war cemetery with tombs of some men who lost their lives during the railway construction, most of them British, Dutch and Australians. We were shocked by the number of deaths and average age of the fallen “young boys” which excided 100,000 and reached 25 respectively.
A completely different scenery in Kanchanabury bring the Erawan waterfalls, considered by some people as the most beautiful in Thailand. The place is perfect to enjoy a fresh bath in their never ending clear water pools, especially when the thermometer indicates 39 degrees! Robert really wanted to capture their beauty with his camera but unfortunately the place was full of people enjoying themselves, he decided to join their club instead.
After two days and one night we took a minivan back to Bangkok and then the night train to Chiang Mai, north of Thailand. Chuuu chuuuu, train is ready to depart!
Local kids playing a cooking game on the rail tracks at the central train station in Bangkok.
Mr Conductor, a happy bunny...
Have you seen Nuria?
A station in the suburbs of Bangkok. I don't think they are waiting for train...
Have a nice day fellas!
Ah, and this is our accommodation on the river, the bungalow at the back. It was an experience...
Happy deal:
- Mini van from Bangkok (Victory Monument) to Kanchanaburi: 120 bahts per person.
- Public transport from Kanchanaburi bus station to the accommodation: 10 bahts per person.
- Death Railway Museum entrance fee: 140 bahts per person (with coffee or tea included).
- Raft bedroom on the river Kwai: 350 bahts (http://www.bamboohouse.host.sk/).
- Motorbike rent for 24 hours: 200 bahts.
- Entrance to the waterfalls: 300 bahts per person.
- Private taxi from our accommodation to Kanchanaburi bus station: 100 bahts.
- Mini van from Kanchanaburi to Bangkok (Victory Monument): 115 bahts.
Total price per person: 1,010 baths.